Magic Sizer

It is the innovative electronic sorting machine suitable for processing big dimension fruits. It allows to make the reading of the weight by means of a load cell and measurement of the diameter and colour, while the fruit is rotating, by means of optical apparatous. Able to sort on brix (soluble solids). Fruits are transported by means of rollaway rollers and winged cups. The rollers roll along with the winged cups in the first tract of the sizer to single out product and rotate it allowing to see the whole surface, and than accompany it into the cups that transport the product to the programmed exits.

Dati Tecnici

Hourly production:
12.000 fruits
Programmable weight:
0÷5000 gr
Fruit diameter:
100÷200 mm
±1-1,5 gr.% according to type of product
Installed electrical power:
kW 1,5÷2,5

Fase di lavorazione

  • Sorting


  • icona prodotto Watermelon Sugar Baby
    Watermelon Sugar Baby
  • icona prodotto Melons